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Hoping to Come Back to Kuffs

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:41 am
by BLDMeg
b]Your Steam Name: ChaoticPrincessMeg
Your Steam Profile URL:
Your Discord Display Name: AK19meg
Your RL Age: 30
Have you read the server rules? Yes
Do you agree to follow those rules? Yes
Previous Roleplay Experience (EXPLAIN): Yes on Kuffs :)
What is your KUFFS vRP Database ID number? (This number should show in the "You're not whitelisted" message when you tried joining the server.] 2771
Link your YouTube, Twitch, DLive, Facebook, etc video channels. (separate by commas, put NONE if you don't publish videos or stream. NOTE: You must pass a separate approval process to stream from our server. ... subscriber
Give us the backstory/plans and name for AT LEAST one of your characters you would plan to play on the KUFFS FiveM server? (Make this count, it will decide approval/denial) Angel D Lane Age 30 Race car driver Angel won her race. But the team leader called in and tells angel about her sister passing away from a heart attack. Angel could not stop the car in time and was in an accident and blocked out from the new of lost of her lovely sister Lana M Lane. The Doctor comes in the room and says Angel cant race anymore. The team leader asked why? Doctor Feelsgood says Angel has a tron mucles in her back, and three broken ribs and broken leg. So Angel needs to fine a new job. So Angel goes to a taxi place and ask about a job as a taxi driver. So angel gets the job and start fresh new life. Angel streaming and gaming as well and Making new friends.

Re: Hoping to Come Back to Kuffs

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:24 pm
by OnyxEye
Re-added to whitelist. No more yelling OOC in the middle of roleplay, put some thought into your character scenarios, and no more getting pissed and quitting.

You'll need to sign back up with the CAD using your same username, email, and password you used before. Your account was probably purged with the inactive ones.