1. Your Steam Name: Tombady1212
2. Your Steam Profile URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198954446953/
3. Your Discord Display Name: Shark Man #4671
4. Your RL Age:14
5. Your KUFFS vRP Database ID Number (number to left of your name in the HOME button player list when logged into the server):3007
6. Have you read the rules? Yes
7. Do you agree to follow the rules? Yes
8. How long have you been playing on the KUFFS FiveM server? 1 year
9. What are some of your character names on the KUFFS FiveM server? John Smith
10. Which department would you prefer playing in? (Choose Los Santos Metropolitan Police, Highway Patrol, San Andreas County Sheriff's Department, or Dispatch) Dispatch
[b]11. Have you ever been in real life law enforcement? No
[b]12. Previous Roleplay Experience (explain): I have played on many fivem servers I have been a State trooper commission and Fire chief and have been in high command as admin If you ask people I have rp with they will say I'm trusted and very good at rp.
[b]13. How many shifts per week can you do? 2
[b]14. What days and times work best for you? Tuesday and Saturday at 9
[b]15. What time zone are you in? EST
[b]16. Will you be recording videos for YouTube or other video site? (if yes, link your channel, streaming requires separate approval.) yes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSidX2 ... jl2hBnRw8g
[b]17. What other gaming crews/FiveM servers are you currently involved in? Only Kuffs