General FiveM Whitelist Application: Chadster

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General FiveM Whitelist Application: Chadster

Post by ChadsterEMG »

Your Steam Name: Chad H.
Your Steam Profile URL:
Your Discord Display Name: Chadster
Your RL Age: 47
Have you read the server rules? Yes
Do you agree to follow those rules? Yes
Previous Roleplay Experience (EXPLAIN): A lifetime of D&D/other such roleplay AND former KUFFS member. I deeply apologize that I let the pressure get to me because I foolishly tried to take on too many things and snapped at someone I shouldn't have. I now have plans for a much more fun/social approach for me that'll hopefully also add to the broader community feel!
What is your KUFFS vRP Database ID number? (This number should show in the "You're not whitelisted" message when you tried joining the server.] 4428
Link your YouTube, Twitch, DLive, Facebook, etc video channels. (separate by commas, put NONE if you don't publish videos or stream. NOTE: You must pass a separate approval process to stream from our server.) NONE
Give us the backstory/plans and name for AT LEAST one of your characters you would plan to play on the KUFFS FiveM server? (Make this count, it will decide approval/denial)

To Tobias Fielding (“Toby” to his friends), home is behind a bar or in a bustling kitchen, creating recipes in which people’s senses delight. At his heart, Toby is all about people, and he takes the adage “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” seriously. Not romantic love – Toby just likes to reach people through a shared love and shared human experience of food and drink. Humans need those things to survive, but Toby believes in making the experience about more than that – he wants to be part of what makes a shared experience with friends great.

Born in the Midwest, Toby discovered at an early age his passion for cooking. He was always amazed how the right group of ingredients brought together in the right way could make a person’s face light up. Of course, when the youngster eventually discovered he could actually get paid for his passion, it just made him even more sure of what he wanted to do. Starting in middle school, Tony worked in multiple restaurants, juggling his time and schedule to learn as many styles of cuisine as he could. On his 18th birthday, Toby joined the Coast Guard, where he served as a culinary specialist for 8 years, rising to the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer.

Having served his last 2 years at Coast Guard Air Station Los Santos, Toby found himself enamored with the state of San Andreas, including the ample hunting, fishing, and camping opportunities, as well as the seemingly endless opportunities to practice his craft in a region that was known for people who loved to have a good time.

Though much more at home in the kitchen, Toby knows the joy of a great mixed drink, so he’s never been one to shy away from stepping behind the bar and channeling his energy into crafting delightful libations.
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Re: General FiveM Whitelist Application: Chadster

Post by OnyxEye »

Added to general whitelist.
OnyxEye (Rocket City Gamerz)

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