(this may be updated/adjusted as we move forward)
Important Note: KUFFS Gaming Members and other server players are often recording video/audio. By playing on the server, you agree that your voice, character likeness, etc will be used and published in various media formats. Your play on the server constitutes your acceptance and approval, and waiver of all rights to place any claim against the publisher, KUFFS Gaming, or any other entity involved.
All Players
Prior to applying for whitelisted jobs on the KUFFS Gaming FiveM server, you should have read the rules and guidelines found in THIS FORUM. Failure to follow those rules and guidelines is a quick way to have your access to the server removed. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.
Please note: Application status is updated as a reply to your application post. Please "subscribe" to your application and check for replies. You can also politely ask for status updates in the #help-advice channel in the KUFFS Discord.
- Player applies for LEO/EMS/FIRE, or whitelisted Civilian job AFTER they have played on the server a while and we have been able to judge their roleplay.
- It is suggested that you "subscribe" to your application topic so you are notified when a reply is made to it. Replies to your application topic is how status updates are made.
- Initial review of the application is completed by Admins. Applications are typically reviewed once or twice per week. Keep in mind, we all have jobs, families, YouTube channels, and other real life commitments that come first.
- Player should join the KUFFS Gaming Discord here: https://discord.me/kuffs
- Player may be referred to an official KUFFS Gaming Crew Member for voice interview on Discord. Interviews are scheduled based on US Time.
- Interview is recorded, shared with the other Official KUFFS Gaming Crew Members for review and comments.
- Player is whitelisted for the job by OnyxEye or BuddaRocks if interview phase is required and passed.
- Player's Discord permissions are upgraded to KUFFS Community Member by OnyxEye or BuddaRocks.
- Player's forum permissions are upgraded as necessary by OnyxEye or BuddaRocks.
- Player may be asked to join on a try out/training session. Other days/times may be worked out with your assigned trainer.
- If the application is denied or if player does not show for training, etc. player can re-apply in 90 days.
- After you've been on the server and we've gotten to know you, player is allowed to apply for LEO, EMS, or Fire, or whitelisted Civilian job.
- You can only hold one of these positions if this is the only FiveM server you plan to play on. Attendance is tracked.
- Based on the preferred department and what is needed for server population, player is assigned to their field training officer (FTO). The FTO is the head of each department, or other supervisor designated by the department head.
- Player's forum permission is updated to as necessary by OnyxEye or BuddaRocks.
- Player's Discord permission is updated to Approved LEO, EMS, or Fire by OnyxEye or BuddaRocks.
- Player is under the command and direction of their department head and any supervisors in that department. Any infractions, necessary retraining, coaching, etc will fall on that department head or designated supervisor for handling as needed.
- Training sessions are scheduled in advance and REQUIRED. However, your department head or designated FTO may request to work with you on other days/times as necessary.