If you want to become a postal worker and deliver happiness to the citizens, head over to postal 577 in the alley and talk to the postal supervisor there (3rd eye) to start work.
You will spawn in the postal truck and be given some instructions to read over.
Drive around and look for mail boxes to collect packages from. You need to collect 4 before you can start delivering them.
Once you’ve collected a package, use the 3rd eye on the middle of the passenger side of the truck to “insert package”.
After your 4th package has been collected, you will be given a GPS location to deliver the first package. To remove the package, use the 3rd eye on the middle passenger side of the truck and choose “check package”. Then use the 3rd eye on the customer and give them their package, then move on to the next.
Once all 4 packages have been delivered you can end the job and return the truck.
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