As a civilian, you help to bring life to the server. Keep things realistic, but fun. Make sure you have read the rules and guidelines located in this Player’s Guide.
Required & Recommended Files
You can get the required/recommended files for our FiveM server HERE. (Sirens are now server side, so you don’t need those.)
Some super important things to remember:
- You CANNOT use any client side trainers, cheats, or hacks in our server.
- In-Game Voice is set by the server, and is necessary for interaction with other players.
- Bad mic quality can ruin videos, you may lose your spot on the server if this isn’t corrected.
- Population Density and Population Variety should be set to the lowest setting so the server can handle this for all clients, equally.
- If you have been injured to the point that EMS must perform CPR on you, you shouldn’t be talking. If you are talking, EMS will revive, assess your injuries, and transport if necessary.
- If EMS performs CPR and you cannot be revived on scene, you will be auto revived and transported. If you want your character to remain dead and be picked up by the coroner, then you must type “/me is dead” or something along those lines in the chat (without quotes).
- Make sure you give the medics some good information to use during roleplay. For example, if they emote or say that they’re checking your pulse, please enter /me has a weak pulse or /me has no pulse or something along those lines so they know what they’re dealing with. Same for checking for injuries, you would need to enter /me has a broken leg or /me has a single gunshot wound through their leg or /me head injury so that medics know how you plan your character’s injuries to be assessed and treated. Medics will also be able to treat your injuries on scene through a med menu to stop your bleeding and such.
- You can check your injury/bleeding status by pressing K (by default) on the keyboard (can be changed by you if you want in keybind settings). You will see a skeleton/body shape with injured parts lit up. If you are bleeding, then you will need medical treatment soon before you bleed out. Medics who assess your injuries will see a more detailed status system (by pressing O on the keyboard and will be able to treat specific injured areas, stop bleeding, and revive you if needed. Untreated bleeding will lead to serious injury.
- If you are injured while there are no medics on the server, you have the option of going to the hospitals (with interiors) and seeking treatment through the hospital for $100. You will be fully healed once you leave the hospital. If you die on the server, and there are no medics online to heal or revive you, you have a countdown clock. After the countdown, you have the ability to auto transport (teleport) to the nearest hospital for reviving for $100. Do not auto transport to be healed if there are medics online and on duty. If there are no medics online, you do not have to wait for someone to find you to heal you. If medics are on, please use the text chat /911 and place a call if you need medics to come help you.
- The F9 vMenu has very limited options for a reason. The teleport options are ONLY there for you to quickly get to the area of the AOP if you had logged out somewhere else last time. Do not use this teleport option to run any delivery missions, get away from law enforcement, or ever teleport while in a vehicle.
If you are not an approved LEO/EMS/FIRE, then you must stick to civilian vehicles and peds. Applications are required for LEO/EMS/FIRE. KEEP THINGS REALISTIC! Rarely is there a need to use sticky bombs, rocket launchers, shoot from the vehicle, or lead police on a chase around the whole map. If you over-do it too often, you may find yourself removed from the server. Keep in mind that there may be limited law enforcement coverage in the server at times. With multiple civilians trying to run major events at once, it’s impossible for officers to respond to some things. Be mindful of others and try to work together to make sure everyone gets a chance to play out their roleplay scenarios when possible. Keep major events limited to one at a time until completely played out. DO NOT inject yourself into other people’s roleplay unless it makes sense. Constantly trying to be the center of attention is a quick way to get kicked and/or banned. You are NOT permitted to roleplay as a “reporter” just to inject into other roleplay. This job requires permission from the admins.
In-Game Voice Chat
For face-to-face interactions, you’ll use the proximity voice chat that is handled by the built-in MumbleVOIP system (pma-voice). No additional downloads are needed for you, it’s all handled server side.
Change voice distance – PAGEUP on keyboard will cycle through the various ranges. The voice ranges available are Normal, Shouting, and Whispering. 99% of the time you should use Normal. You may have to set this keybind yourself. If so, look for pma-voice in the FiveM keybinds section in your settings. If you do have to set the keybind yourself, it’s suggested you use PAGEUP on the keyboard.
Vehicle Indicators (Blinkers/Flashers)
- To signal left, press LEFT ARROW on the keyboard.
- To signal right, press RIGHT ARROW on the keyboard.
- To turn flashers on/off, hold DOWN ARROW on the keyboard for several seconds.
Cruise Control
- To turn cruise control on, press Y on the keyboard.
- It sets your vehicle to run at a constant speed.
- You can still slow down and stop like you normally would with S on the keyboard or left trigger on the controller. When you speed back up, you will have to press Y on the keyboard to active cruise control again.
- To turn off cruise control, just press brake on the keyboard or controller again.
Access Vehicle Options
- You can open your trunk to access the inventory by walking to the rear of the car and pressing tab. Or by using the “third-eye” LEFT ALT target option near the trunk.
- You can open the glove box while sitting in the vehicle by also using the Tab on your keyboard.
- To turn your engine on/off, press G on the keyboard while in the vehicle.
- Toggle your seatbelt on/off by pressing PAGE DOWN (you may have to set this keybind yourself)
Boat Trailer Script
- Make sure you have a vehicle with a visible tow hitch on it.
- You can spawn the boat trailer with the /boattrailer command. It will spawn ahead of where your character is facing at a 90 degree angle. Make sure you have room for it to spawn.
- Back your truck up to the trailer and it should auto attach. If it doesn’t, try pressing J on the keyboard.
- Press G when inside boat to attach/detach it.
- Press E when outside boat to release it.
- Press F when outside boat to get in it.
- Boat is only invulnerable for 15 seconds after it’s released, move it away from the trailer in this time frame.
- To “anchor” your boat in the water, get out of the driver’s seat, but stay IN the boat. Press B on the keyboard. Pressing B again will raise the anchor.
Car Trailer Script
- Make sure you have a vehicle with a visible tow hitch on it.
- You can spawn the car trailer with the /cartrailer command. It will spawn ahead of where your character is facing at a 90 degree angle. Make sure you have room for it to spawn.
- Back up your truck to the hitch to attach it. If it doesn’t auto attach, press J on the keyboard.
- To put a vehicle ON the trailer, walk up to rear side of the trailer and press E on the keyboard to drop/raise the ramps.
- Drive the vehicle onto the trailer and stop where you want it.
- Press G to lock/unlock the vehicle on the trailer.
Command Spawnable Trailers
In order to make roleplay a little more enjoyable and avoid issues with trying to store and retrieve trailers from garages, you’re able to spawn most trailers with a text chat command. The trailer will spawn ahead of where your character is facing at a 90 degree angle. Make sure you have room for it to spawn.
- /cattletrailer
- /thauler
- /thauler2
- /enclosedgoose
- /bigtex20
- /bigtex40
- /ehauler
- /eagerbeaver
- /mtrailer (motorcycle trailer)
- /ftrailer (food trailer, doesn’t pull well)
- /lowboy (trailer is huge, you need a big open spot)
- /puptrailer
- /baletrailer (meant for tractors)
- /graintrailer (meant for tractors)
- /raketrailer (meant for tractors)
- /tanker
- /tanker2
- /tr2 (2 level car hauler)
- /tr3 (trailer w/large sailboat)
- /trailerlogs
- /trailers
- /trailers2
- /trailers3
- /trailers4
- /trflat
- /tvtrailer
- /tvtrailer2
How to Put Your Hands Up
- Press X to put your hands up. Press X again to put them down.
- You can walk around with hands up, now. But keep it realistic.
How to Kneel With Your Hands On Your Head
- Press “T” on the keyboard to open the chat box.
- Type “/e surrender” (without quotes) in the chat box to get down on your knees and put your hands on your head.
- Press X two times to get back up.
Interacting with Wheelchairs
- To sit in a wheelchair, get close to it and press F or the controller button for entering a vehicle to sit in it. Get back out of it by pressing F on your keyboard or the exit vehicle button on controller.
Interacting with Ambulance Stretchers
- Medics can place players on stretchers on-scene as needed.
- Medics can load someone who is on the stretcher into the back of the ambulance for transport to the hospital. Please make sure you give them some context to roleplay with on scene using the /me text chat.
How to Contact 911/311
Use the /911 chat command to send an emergency call to the CAD. The dispatcher can call you using the in-game voice call feature IF more information is needed, this might not happen often. They may also send you a private message in the F9 menu. Please be sure to respond with the information they request. Correct format: “/911 Help! A lady is choking on a ham sandwich at postal 211!” (without the quotes). You will then get confirmation in chat that your call was sent.
This should also log your grid location and street/cross street in the notification sent to the dispatcher in the CAD.
Please keep in mind that emergency services may be tied up on other calls when yours comes in. Calls are responded to in order of severity or order they’re listed in the CAD. Please be patient and don’t send multiple calls.
For NON-EMERGENCIES, the process is basically the same. The text chat command for non-emergencies like towing service or non-emergency first responder response is /311 and then the information you want to send (/311 I can’t find my dog. I’m at postal 211). If there are no Dispatchers or emergency services online, then you will have to auto transport to the hospital for reviving or drive to one to be healed. If you need a tow truck/mechanic, try calling one from your phone (open the phone with M on the keyboard).
Text Messages (in whatsapp)
To send a text message:
- Open your phone by pressing M (default keybind).
- Go to the call icon.
- Click the drop down arrow beside the character’s name.
- Click on the phone in the circle symbol.
- Type your message and click send.
Give Money to Another Player
- Press the HOME button on keyboard to find the player’s ID, remember it, you will need it.
- Open the chat box with T on they keyboard.
- Type /givecash {ID number of other player} {amount}. For example: /givecash 3 20 will give the player with current ID number 3 the amount of $20 from your carried cash.
- Note: Decimal places will round up to the nearest dollar.
Give Item(s) to Another Player
- Press TAB on your keyboard to open your inventory.
- Drag the item from your inventory to the GIVE box.
- Another way is to right click the item in your inventory, which will drop the item on the ground nearby. The other player can see that item and pick it up by opening the TAB inventory.
Show Your ID to an Officer
- When approached by an officer at a traffic stop or other situation, you may be asked to show identification.
- Open your inventory and double click your id or license and it will pop up in the chat window.
- Alternatively, you can set your ID to your hotbar number row up top, 1-6 to be used to show ID by pressing that corresponding number on your keyboard.
Getting Your Damaged Vehicle Repaired
- If a mechanic player is online, you can use the /311 non emergency line, and if available, a dispatcher would be able to send a tow/mechanic to you.
- Proceed to an area on the map with the mechanic symbol aka pay and spray (spray can) and and use the garage to repair your car. You will have to drive in and press “E” to tune your car, and then it will give you an option to repair it before you tune the vehicle.
Vehicle Maintenance and Upgrades
Vehicles have a mileage meter in the lower right of your screen. When you reach certain mileages, maintenance will need to be performed on it. This maintenance can be performed by Mosley’s Auto, Hayes Auto, Benny’s, Otto’s or Mooseknuckle, only. You can keep an eye on your vehicle’s maintenance needs by entering /inspect in the chat while in your driver’s seat.
These are the mileage maintenance needs:
- Oil Change – 1500km
- Tires Replaced – 5000km
- Brake Pads Replaced – 4000km
- Transmission Fluid Change – 3000km
- Shocks Replaced – 5500km
- Clutch/Gears Replaced – 5000km
- Air Filter Replaced – 2000km
- Fuel Filter Replaced – 5000km
- Spark Plugs Replaced – 4000km
- Serpentine Belt Replaced – 6000km
If maintenance isn’t kept up, you could face damage to your engine, transmission, etc. The following major systems can be repaired by Benny’s, Otto’s, Mosley’s, Hayes, or Mooseknuckle Towing:
- Engine
- Transmission
- Chassis
- Brakes
- Suspension
Upgrade modifications can also be installed/removed. Some of these upgrades can alter the handling of your vehicle and make them difficult to drive. Some may also be illegal and be considered improper equipment, especially if they contribute to a motor vehicle accident, resulting in fines/impound. The following vehicle upgrades can be added and/or removed by Mosley’s or Hayes:
- Lowered Suspension – extremely low suspension. Suitable for trucks and tall vehicles only.
- Stanced Suspension – short springs installed to lower the vehicle suspension. Not suitable for low vehicles, and can make your vehicle unstable.
- Sport Suspension – sport springs installed to lower the vehicle suspension. Not suitable for vehicles that are already low.
- Comfort Suspension – slightly increased suspension height to give more comfort and safety to passengers.
- Lifted Suspension – drastically increase suspension height for vehicles.
- GTW Turbo – install a larger turbine to generate more pressure, admit more cold air into the intake, generating more power.
- Nitro – increased the amount of oxygen entering the engine cylinders generating a power boost. Press LeftAlt or LeftControl to engage and hold nitrous after it has charge/recharged. ILLEGAL ON ROADWAYS.
- AWD – all wheel drive conversion kits can make all 4 tires move your vehicle.
- RWD – rear wheel drive conversion kits can make the rear tires move your vehicle.
- FWD – front wheel drive conversion kits can make the front tires move your vehicle.
- Semi Slick Tires – street homologated tire used to fully exploit the performance of vehicles.
- Slick Tires – slick tires, since they are smooth, have a greater contact area with the ground, ensuring better performance.
- Race Brakes – racing brakes have a much greater stopping power and don’t overheat like regular breaks.
You may have to move the vehicle some before some visual changes appear, lifts, lowers, etc.
How to Remove A Mistakenly Spawned or Destroyed Vehicle
- Ideally, you should store the vehicle in a public garage.
- You can also use the F9 delete vehicle option when sitting in a vehicle.
- Vehicle will be deleted.
- If you delete your character owned vehicle or another character owned vehicle, they will go to the Depot/Impound locations instead of public garage. Easiest depot location to find is the red hook symbol near the Davis Sheriff’s Office. Cars in these impound depots are free to get out.
- If a vehicle is impounded by officers/tow, then it’ll be in an impound location where you see a floating car icon. You have to pay to get these out.
DO NOT delete a vehicle just to try to hide from police, you will be banned. Vehicles should only be deleted after any roleplay is fully completed.
There are some props pre-programmed in that you can spawn, carry, set down, and pick back up. Here’s how to do that:
Props are spawned by chat command. They should spawn in with you holding onto them.
- Put down and pick up with Y on the keyboard.
- Delete the prop by entering /d in the chat while holding it.
The spawn commands are:
- Cardboard Box – /box
- Black Duffle Bag – /bag
- Package of Drugs – /drugpackage (might get arrested!)
- Road Cone – /cone (AI will drive right over these)
- Tool Cart – /toolcart
- Tool Box – /toolbox
- Vehicle Battery – /battery
- Vehicle Tire – /tire
- Engine Hoist – /hoist
- Walk Behind Push Mower – /pushmower
- Medical Bag – /medbag (doctors, leo/fire/ems only, please)
- Paramedic Bag – /medicbag (fire/ems only, please)
- LifePack15 Defib – /lifepack (fire/ems/doctors only, please)
- Organ Donation Cooler – /medbox (fire/ems/doctors only, please)
Object Spawner Script
- This script will allow players to spawn things from a list for roleplay purposes.
- Can be spawned “in the world”, like on the ground, or “on a vehicle” so you can put things in the back of a truck, etc.
- Don’t use this script to grief other players. It’s to enhance your roleplay scenarios, not be an ass.
/spawner v – open spawner menu attaching to the vehicle you are in or looking at
/spawner w – open spawner menu attaching to the world
/deleter – delete the closest object to you that you spawned
/clearer – should delete the closest spawned prop, regardless if you originally spawned it or not.
The arrow keys move an object that has been summoned but not placed. Left and right and forward and backward will feel pretty normal when you try it. You use the number pad numbers to rotate it. I could list here which keys do what but that actually might confuse you. Just know that 4, 6 ,7, 9 +, and – on the number pad do the rotating. Just try each and get a feel for it. 5 and 8 on the number pad move it up and down.
The number pad ENTER key does a HARD placement and the SPACEBAR does a SOFT placement. Although, those names don’t always do what they sound like. Some object when placed hard act as if they were soft and visa versa. It takes a little experimentation to figure out how some objects are going to react. When you use the /spawner command it leaves the object you just spawned active so you can spawn multiple if you want. When you are done spawning that particular object, hit DEL.
Our server includes rpEmotes F4 for choosing animations. You can use “/e help” in chat to get a list of chat command animations you can perform such as “/e smoke” (to smoke a cigarette).
Type “/e ” in front of the emote and it will play. Entering “/e stop” should stop the animations, if not, enter the same emote command again to turn it off. You can also force end any animation with the ] right bracket key (you may need to set this keybind to avoid conflicts with other things). If you use one that has a prop attached, you should be able to use “/e stuckprop” to remove the prop if it seems to be stuck to your character after the animation has been stopped. Emote choices: chair, salute, finger, finger2, phonecall, facepalm, notes, brief, brief2, foldarms, foldarms2, damn, fail, gang1, gang2, no, pickbutt, grabcrotch, peace, cigar, cigar2, joint, cig, holdcigar, holdcig, holdjoint, dead, holster, aim, aim2, slowclap, box, cheer, bum, leanwall, copcrowd, copcrowd2, copidle, shotbar, drunkbaridle, djidle, djidle2, fdance1, fdance2, mdance1, mdance2, smoke, cop, inv, lean, sit, cell, sunb2, sunb, medic, mech, clip, party, kneel, tick, weed, imp, fish, weld, pic, film, cheer, bino, flex, lift, bin, music, wash, hook1, hook2, crowd, hammer, leaf, plant, traffic, jack, drink, sweep, hero, tmap, tmob, bbq, cart, atm, coffee, sign, bath, drug, drug2, hang, jog, push, imp2, camp, shop, yoga So you would enter “/e coffee” for example to start drinking coffee. Enter the same command again to stop the animation. If the prop doesn’t go away, enter “/e stuckprop”, if that doesn’t work, enter “/e coffee” to take out a coffee cup, and again to make it go away.
Other Text Emotes (/me command)
To use a text emote, type /me, followed by whatever roleplay emote you’re wanting to get across. /me scratches his head, would show up as “scratches his head”, for example. (This is proximity based, so only those within 20 meters or so will see it.)
Regular Text Chat Text chat gets annoying fast, which is why a mic is required for roleplay. The text chat is now proximity based, so some types of chat only show to those within 20 meters or so of your character.
Out of Character Chat (/ooc command)
To ask a question or other out of character chat, type /ooc, followed by whatever message you have. “/ooc how do I do whatever”, would show up as PlayerName: I found a glitch, for example. USE THIS VERY RARELY, it distracts from roleplay. It’s preferred that you use the kuffs-fivem-server channel in our Discord if you don’t understand something
Scripted Jobs/Missions for Civilians
Most civilian jobs are open, except Airline Pilot, Cargo Pilot, Lawyer, Judge, Cameraman. You must be approved ahead of time to have one of these jobs. Reason being, planes with assholes flying them means chaos. Quick way to get banned. Same goes for some other important jobs, they have to be handled correctly. General Ped Guidelines and Specific Peds for Civilian Jobs We want people to have lots of options with their roleplay peds, but there are some guidelines to remember:
1. Do NOT ever spawn naked peds or topless female peds. Some people may be recording videos or streaming from the server. Most streaming/video services have rules against nudity, and you can cause those creators problems.
2. Do NOT ever use a police/fire/ems ped if you are not an approved first responder.
3. Use peds that make sense for the character you are playing. It’s always best to use a multiplayer created customized character appearance.
4. Animal peds should only be used rarely, and they can easily die, leaving you in a death loop. It’s not advised that they be used.
5. You can find a good list of base game peds with pictures here:
Pet Menu
To purchase a pet, you must go to the Animal Ark out in the Harmony area. Purchase a pet, and don’t forget food for them! You can also purchase a ball to throw for them to fetch. To access the menu, enter /petmenu in the chat. You can move your pet menu around or hide it using the other /petmenu prompted commands.
Graffiti Spray Paint
We use a script from rcore that allows you to spray paint words with different fonts on flat surfaces like buildings, walls, interior walls, etc. NOTE: Spraying graffiti on property that doesn’t belong to you is considered illegal and may result in criminal charges for your character.
- In order to spray graffiti, you must have a can of spray paint.
- Use the paint item from your inventory.
- This will then open a menu where you can adjust the size, color, and font of your graffiti. Angle your view to “move” the design around until you find your desired spot, then apply the spray.
- To remove the graffiti, you must have a graffiti remover item in your inventory.
If you want to take screenshots, since Rockstar Editor doesn’t like to work with encrypted assets, there’s a few things you might want to do.
- To toggle the chat window between three modes, /togglechat. The options you have are hidden, when active, always on.
- To Toggle your minimaps and hunger/thirst demands, default, is pressing “I” on the keyboard to open the menu, and choosing how you want it displayed
- Pressing F9 and then going to Misc Settings lets you move some of the menus to different sides of your screen, and some other on-screen options like location and speed traveling in vehicles.
- The car hud doesn’t hide, so your best screenshots are taken when not in a vehicle.
- You can record clips with Rockstar editor by pressing F10 on the keyboard. Then open Rockstar Editor from the main FiveM screen. This will work better, now, but can still crash depending on which custom assets may be around the area you recorded the clip in.
Invoices & Billing
Players can invoice each other for any services rendered like taxi/uber rides, mechanic work, towing fees, tickets & court fines, etc.
In order to invoice someone, hold F1 for the radial menu, choose General, then Open/Create Invoices. You’ll see a screen like this:

Press the green + sign in the upper right to create an invoice. You’ll then get a screen like this:

Personal invoices will be paid to the person creating the invoice. Company invoices will be paid into the boss vault account for the business you are currently employed in, which can only be accessed by the owner/manager of that job.
Fill out the title, price amount, and a description. If you want the person to have to accept or decline the invoice, leave Is it mandatory? toggled off. If you want the invoice to be pending without them accepting or declining, toggle that on. Either way, they still have another step to actually pay the invoice. When you click “Create”, you’ll be given a list of nearby characters to choose the one you want to invoice.
If you’ve been given an invoice, you can see that invoice on the main Invoices tab after choosing Open/Create Invoices in the F1/General radial menu. You can choose to pay by cash or “card”. Choosing card will pay from your bank account.
Portable POS Machine – Job Boss Account Only
Another method to accept payments is with the portable POS machine. These payments will go directly to the boss menu money vault for the business requesting the payment. Open the F1 Radial menu, choose General, then Open POS Machine. Enter the amount, then press the green button in the bottom right. You’ll then be given a list of nearby characters so you can choose the character to request payment from. Select the character you want to charge, then press the green button on the POS machine again.

If you’ve been requested to pay via portable POS Machine, it should pop up on your screen when ready to pay. Simply swipe the “credit card” across the machine and you’ll make the payment from your bank account.
NOTE: This is only for businesses that have access to the boss menu money vault. Don’t use it otherwise, instead use invoices.
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