The KUFFSrp FiveM server is whitelisted and requires an approved application.
General Whitelist Applications for civilians are OPEN. You can also hang out with all of us in our Discord, until your application is approved. The Discord is also there for fans of our members and streamers to hang out with everybody.
General Whitelist Application information can be found in our Discord in the FiveM Server Apps category.
NOTE: We are a US-Based FiveM server with mostly US players. As such, our peak population times are evenings and weekends US times. Our pre-scheduled events are on Tuesdays and Saturdays around 9pm-11pm Eastern (may be earlier or later at times). Players are not limited to just those days and times, it’s just when we try to get together each week. There are also streamers that may stream on other days/times, as well. Special events are often held on Fridays. If this time zone population activity doesn’t work for you, then you may want to look for another server to maximize your roleplay enjoyment.
Some other things to know prior to applying for our server:
- Our minimum age to apply for our server is 16.
- Nobody comes straight in as LEO, Fire/EMS, Coroner, Doctor, etc. These are whitelisted jobs and will require that you be ACTIVE for at least 2-3 weeks before applying for those.
- Inactivity may cause you to lose your whitelist spot.
- You must remain in our Discord server to maintain your whitelisted role.
- Your Discord display name, FiveM settings name, and your Steam profile name must match as closely as possible.
- We no longer have a 1 server rule. You are free to play wherever you like. However, certain in-server jobs will require some attendance time frames to maintain your spot.
- Any players can stream and record from our server, but you must follow the video/streaming guidelines.
- Access to our server is a privilege, not a right.
Welcome to sunny San Andreas, Citizen! We are glad you’re here and hope you’ll stay. To help ease into your new life in our great state, We’ve compiled a handy guide you help walk you through registering with the City Hall and finding suitable employment. This guide also contains valuable information on important things like where to customize your character and buy clothing, groceries, fast food, pharmaceuticals; how to utilize the real estate market, and we’ve also added tips on roleplay/survival, game controls, menu and trainer use, State laws/Court system, economy and nightlife. We couldn’t leave out info on the criminal element in the state, areas to avoid, and what to do if you need to report a crime.
**DON’T FORGET – THIS IS A REALISTIC ROLEPLAY SERVER. Vesting an interest in longer-term Roleplay and developing a storyline for your character is expected. Work, support the economy through buying cars, food, a home and interact with other players.
YOU MUST have a decent sounding microphone and use headphones or earbuds at all times. Horrible mic quality ruins the experience for others, and feedback from your PC speakers does the same. ENGLISH is the language we speak on the server. If you don’t speak English, we can’t understand you, you’ll need to find another server.
Face to face voice chat is proximity based and handled by the built-in pma-voice. PAGEUP on your keyboard will change your range. 99% of the time, you should be on Normal. You can see your range in the bottom right of your screen. No additional download is necessary, unless you have a job that is approved for radio use. In that case, you’ll need TeamSpeak3 client.
Remember, you MUST be at least 16 years of age to connect to our server, at all.
This Guide contains the basic information to get you started in the KUFFSrp server. Please note each section contains links to the guide where you can find detailed and up to date information.
It is suggested you join us on our social media pages and community Discord for the best user experience/easiest method for contacting staff.
You MUST abide by the following rules at all times:
Rules & Guidelines Part 1
Rules & Guidelines Part 2
Required and Recommended Files can be found here: Required/Recommended Files
We use an in-game CAD and MDT. Characters are auto-populated into the ID/Driver’s License system when created, vehicles and legal weapons are also auto registered when purchased. Players do not have to worry about entering anything into the CAD. But there will be times when your character may be fingerprinted and their photo taken by law enforcement for certain types of licenses, etc.
LOADING INTO THE SERVER: There is a delay in loading into the server that is intended. This gives the server time to load your database information, like hunger, thirst, weapons, appearance, and to also sync the time and weather for your client. It’s also a HEAVILY modded server, so slower internet connections, high pings, and older computers may struggle a bit. The FIRST time you load into the server, you may also get a FivePD notification. This is required to be displayed to all new players by the plugin developers, but you can ignore it. That’s just how our LEO are able to interact with NPCs. If you eventually make your way into the LEO ranks, you’ll be trained on it at that time.
If you notice map texturing and things disappearing, that’s common in a heavily modded server like ours because of the high amount of streamed graphical content. It will help if you turn your textures and other graphics settings down to NORMAL. You’ll also need to turn the Extended Texture Budget all the way up. GTA prioritizes the map last, which, I agree, sucks. You should also turn population density and variety all the way down, that way the server handles the NPCs/cars the same across all clients.
Wi-fi connections could cause you and other players issues due to latency and ping spikes, hard wired connections are REQUIRED. It’s also suggested you DO NOT alt-tab out while loading in, that has been known to cause player loading issues.
To connect to the server, you must have an approved application and be added to the KUFFSrp Citizen role. Your FiveM client must authenticate with your assigned Discord role in our Discord Server from time to time. So you may need to have Discord logged in, at least long enough to connect to the server so your whitelisted role can be verified. Once whitelisted, the connection information is pinned in the kuffs-fivem-server channel of our Discord.
If you see the following error message on connecting it most likely means either Discord isn’t running to verify your whitelisted role, or multiple instances of Discord are running.

If Discord is running and you get that error, exit FiveM and Discord, then open your Task Manager and close any remaining instances of Discord that may be running in the background. Then you can relaunch Discord and FiveM and should be able to connect.

AUTO RESTARTS daily at 4am, 4pm, and 8pm Eastern US Time.
Additional restarts may be needed from time to time for updates, bug fixes, etc.
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